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Luke Sullivan

Luke Sullivan is a brand marketing expert that specialises in a small business. Active as the COG Branding Managing, you can reach Luke Sullivan on his LinkedIn profile.

Luke Sullivan's Posts


Consumer Needs And 2020 Video Trends

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, no doubt you’ve been keeping a close eye on how audiences around the world are turning to platforms like YouTube and Zoom etc.
All of the ways people are using online video to fulfil timely needs, whether it’s to cope with social isolation, replicate essential services, indulge their passions, or simply find community – is front and centre for many right now.


Business Growth, Sustainability and Survival

Let’s aim for better things in 2021, let’s aim for Business Survival and Sustainability. There’s an opportunity in this rubbish-of-a-year 2020. This year has largely sucked right? For many businesses it’s been torture and for families and individuals it’s been a horror show. Though it won’t be like this forever. (Cue 2021) Don’t squander the […]